Most diseases that one thinks of are considered Chronic Diseases. Medical conditions that cannot be cured, require multiple treatments, and involve long-term management are generally referred to as Chronic Diseases. The most common Chronic Diseases in pets include:
- Arthritis and other orthopedic conditions
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Hepatitis and other liver diseases
- Skin allergies
- Diabetes mellitus
-Cushing's and Addison's Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
When caring for a pet with a chronic disease, it is important to have a good relationship with your veterinarian. These conditions generally require frequent trips for blood work and/or other testing, physical exams, and weight checks. Management for these diseases may include diet changes, various medications, additional supplements, and/or other medical treatments. Open and honest conversations between yourself and your veterinarian about expectations for management of disease, changes in symptoms during treatment, and your pet's quality of life should occur throughout the process starting at the time of diagnosis. Pets can live longer, comfortable lives with the right care for their condition.
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